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Build better Routines #4: How to get started with Svayy


In the pursuit of personal growth and productivity, establishing and maintaining effective routines is paramount. However, the challenge lies in staying consistent and motivated amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. Enter Svayy—a powerful routine-tracking tool designed to simplify the process and keep you on track. In this article, we'll explore why routine tracking is important, how to set up Svayy, and different approaches to using it effectively in your daily life.

Why Routine Tracking is Important

Human behavior is largely driven by the pursuit of immediate gratification, fueled by the neurotransmitter dopamine. This tendency makes it challenging to stick to small routines that may not yield visible benefits right away. However, routine tracking offers a solution by making progress over time visible. Whether it's marking an "X" on a calendar for gym visits or logging activities in Svayy, tracking routines provides tangible evidence of your efforts and helps maintain motivation. Additionally, tracking routines allows you to monitor streaks and makes it harder to break them, as you're more aware of the impact of skipping a day.

How to Set Up Svayy

Setting up Svayy is a straightforward process geared towards making routine tracking seamless and efficient. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Create Your First Routine: Start by downloading Svayy and setting up your account. As you go about your day, pay attention to the routines you perform. Each time you notice a routine you want to track, create it in Svayy. After a few days, you'll have all your routines logged and ready to go.

  2. Utilize Templates: If you want to expedite the setup process, Svayy offers templates to inspire you and provide guidance on which routines to track. Browse through the templates and select those that align with your goals and lifestyle.

Daily Usage Strategies: Maximizing Svayy's Potential

After setting up Svayy and inputting your routines, it's time to integrate it into your daily life effectively. Here are three strategies tailored to help you make the most out of Svayy:

  1. Set a Timeframe: Allocate a dedicated time slot each day to complete all your routines. This structured approach offers several benefits:

    • Benefit: Maximizes Routine Stacking: By consolidating your routines into a single time block, you optimize efficiency and minimize disruptions.

    • Benefit: Easier Planning: Having a predefined time slot simplifies your daily schedule, making it easier to plan around a single blocked time.

    • Problem: Risk of Missing Routines: However, it's easier to miss all routines if unforeseen events prevent you from sticking to your allocated time slot.

    • Problem: Lack of Flexibility: This approach offers limited flexibility, as deviations from the scheduled time block can disrupt your entire routine.

  2. Check Svayy as Needed: Consult Svayy whenever you encounter the "What's next?" question throughout the day. This flexible approach offers several advantages:

    • Benefit: Flexibility: You can adjust your routines around fixed daily events, ensuring that your free time is utilized productively.

    • Benefit: Productive Use of Free Time: By completing routines as needed, you make efficient use of your downtime, maximizing productivity.

    • Problem: Forgetting to Check Svayy: However, there's a risk of forgetting to consult Svayy or identifying the appropriate times to do so.

    • Problem: Time Consuming: It may take time to figure out which routines to do when checking Svayy, especially if you have a long list of tasks. (Orientation Mode can help alleviate this issue by isolating a single routine instead of presenting a long list.)

  3. End-of-Day Check-In: Review and check off your routines in Svayy at the end of the day. This method offers several benefits:

    • Benefit: Cognitive Training: By training your brain to recognize undone routines throughout the day, you cultivate awareness without constantly referring to the list.

    • Benefit: Minimal Impact on Daily Life: This approach minimizes Svayy's intrusion into your daily routine while still providing valuable tracking data.

    • Problem: Tracking Only, Not Actioning: However, you're only tracking your routines at the end of the day, missing out on Svayy's benefit of reminding you to complete them.

    • Problem: Higher Activation Energy: Taking the time in the evening to track everything requires more activation energy than tracking throughout the day.

By understanding the benefits and potential challenges of each approach, you can tailor your usage of Svayy to suit your lifestyle and maximize its effectiveness in helping you build better routines.


In our experience, a combination of the first and second approaches yields the best results. By combining routine stacking with the "What's next?" approach, you can enjoy the benefits of structured time blocks while retaining the flexibility to adjust your routines as needed. With Svayy as your ally, building better routines becomes not only achievable but also enjoyable. So, embrace the power of routine tracking, experiment with different approaches, and watch as your productivity soars to new heights.