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Here you can find a roadmap for the foreseeable future. We aim to ship new features as soon as possible and are stoked to get your input on them.

This roadmap is not written in stone and is prune to change. Please join our Discord to make suggestions to our Product-Team what we should focus on next or whats bothering you.

Feature has been delivered
Feature doesn't apply to the platform
⏸️Feature awaiting development
⏩️Feature is currently being developed
⛔️Feature has been postponed indefinetly


NameDescriptionExpected releaseiOSDesktop
Task splittingA user can select a Task and splitt it in seperate Tasks. Importance, Deadline, Tags, Description and Dependencies of the original Task are passed on to its children.Q2 2024
DependenciesRework of the dependancy graph in the desktop version. Dependency feature for iOS.Q2 2024
Siri supportA user can use Siri to manage Svayy data.Q2 2024
Activity logsA user can see a list of time-stamped actions they performed (Events)Q2 2024
TriggersA user can manage Triggers that represent real life events. A Trigger can be true or false. A Task can be set to paused until a Trigger is true.Q4 2024⏸️⏸️
Reworked insightsEqual Insights in mobile and desktop versions.Q4 2024⏸️⏸️
Live updatesInstant snyc between mobile and desktop apps.Q4 2024⏸️⏸️
Pattern schedulingA user can schedule a Routine based on an arbitrary pattern (such as on, on, on, off, on, on, repeat)Q4 2024⏸️⏸️
Work modeA user can lock the app into the Work Mode that only shows the current and next queued items on the locked screen.Q4 2024⏸️⏸️
QueueA user can manage a queue of Tasks and Routines for each day.Q4 2024⏸️
Working Memory WhiteboardA user can use Excalidraw for a selected date in the Working Memory additional to the existing notepad.Q4 2024⏸️
Eisenhower matrixA user can apply the Eisenhower matrix technique to their Tasks and Routines for a selected date to organize the Queue.Q1 2025⏸️⏸️
VelocityA user can tell Svayy how much time a Task actually took (estimate -> perform Task -> track work time). Svayy calculates a Velocity that can act as a buffer for your estimations.Q1 2025⏸️⏸️
Vices checkinA user can assign another user to get notified if a Vice gets out of control.2025⏸️⏸️
Cross assignmentsA user can befriend another user and share Tasks.2025⏸️⏸️
Life modeA user can set presets and apply them to a date or date-range. These presets have different effects on Tasks, Routines and Vices (Preset "sick" pauses everything, preset "vacation" pauses only certain Routines). These presets can be planned into the past and future.2025⏸️⏸️
FinancesA user can manage their finances and derive Tasks easily.2025⏸️⏸️
Public API3rd party developers can perform actions on userdata. Opens Svayy up to Widgets and Plugins.2025⏸️
TemplatesA user can offer and/or install Templates that contain predefined Tasks, Routines and Vices.2025⏸️⏸️