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Progress Indicators


At the top of you Insights list you will find horizontally swipable cards for Tasks, Routines and Vices.

Tasks & Routines

The Tasks and Routines card shows you your daily progress based on your Score. When you create a Task or Routine you also give it an Importance Level. The Score is then calculated by multiplying the Importance of it with the number of days it hasn’t been done. So for example a Task with an Importance of 5 that has been open for 3 days will have a Score of 15.

In the card this is displayed as your Score number for today and tomorrow. Your goal should be to have a lower Score tomorrow than you have today. If this is achieved, the number will turn green.

Below the Score indicators you will see a Streak indicator. Each day your Score tomorrow is lower or equal than your Score today, your Streak will increase by +1. If you fail, your Streak will reset to 0.

On the right side of the card you will see an indicator how close you are to having an equal or lower Score tomorrow than you have today. So your Goal is to get the Progress up to 100%.

Finally, at the bottom of the card you can see the Task or Routine that has the highest impact on your Score. You should probably tackle this one first as it decreases your Score the most.


For Vices the card looks the same.

The difference for Vices is that they work the other way around. By default, meaning if you don’t fail any of your Vices, your Score will be equal or lower to todays Score. So if you don’t fail too many Vices, you will increase/keep your Streak and your daily progress will stay at 100%.