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Task details

By clicking on a Task in the list you will expand it's detail view. Here you can edit all it's attributes. The following attributes can be edited:

  1. Title
  2. Description
  3. Status
  4. Importance
  5. Pausing a Task
  6. Estimation
  7. Deadline
  8. Tags


You can edit the title by clicking on it and changing it. The title is fully encrypted based on your password and can't be read by anyone except you. You password never leaves your device, not even during login, which makes a Tasks title end to end encrypted.


You can edit the description by opening the expand icon and changing it. The description is saved automatically when you leave the textfield. The description is fully encrypted based on your password and can't be read by anyone except you. You password never leaves your device, not even during login, which makes a Tasks description end to end encrypted.


A Tasks status can be Open or Done. You can change it by toggeling the switch button.


Importance can be changed by increasing or decreasing it through the input field. You can read more about Inflammation and Score in the General Principles Section.


You can pause a Task until a set date. If paused, the Task will be automatially unpaused on the selected date. While it's paused the Inflammation and Score won't increase. If a Task is paused, you can change the date or reset the pausing functionality. Reseting it will make the Task available again today.


Estimations are separated in hours and minutes and can be changed by increasing or decreasing them. They are later used to schedule your Tasks for the day.


You can set a Deadline for a Task to a given date. You will see a visual trigger in the Task list when the deadline approaches. Deadlines are used to help you to prioritize tasks. This happens in two ways:

  1. They visually distinguish themselves from Tasks with no urgency
  2. They inflate the score of their respective Task, urging you to focus on putting out fires before they happen
Time remainingScore multiplier
No deadline setx1
"Distant" Futurex2
Due tomorrowx3
Due today4


You can see a list of all available tags. By clicking on one of them, you assign it to the Task. You can click again to unassign it. You can add a new tag by clicking the New Tag button. The tag is now available for all other Tasks and Habits as well.