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When you open the Tasks menu you see three sections:

  1. Open Tasks
  2. Done Tasks
  3. Paused Tasks
  4. Blocked Tasks

Open Tasks

Here you will find all Tasks that are open for the selected date. You can toggle the Open button to set a Task to Done. If you open the expand icon to the left, you can delete a Task or trigger further actions on it like pausing it. By clicking on the expand icon a Task in the list, you also open it's detail view where you can edit all it's attributes.

Done Tasks

Here you will find all Tasks that are done for the selected date. You can toggle the Done button to set a Task to Open. If you open the expand icon to the left, you can delete a Task or trigger further actions on it like pausing it. By clicking on the expand icon a Task in the list, you also open it's detail view where you can edit all it's attributes.

Unavailable Tasks

Here you will find all Tasks that are paused for the selected date. You can toggle the Open button to set a Task to Done. If you open the expand icon to the left, you can delete a Task or trigger further actions on it like pausing it. By clicking on the expand icon a Task in the list, you also open it's detail view where you can edit all it's attributes. A Task can be paused until a set date. You can check this by opening the detail view and scroll to the "Pausing" section.

Blocked Tasks

Here you will find all Tasks that are blocked for the selected date. You can toggle the Open button to set a Task to Done. If you open the expand icon to the left, you can delete a Task or trigger further actions on it like pausing it. By clicking on the expand icon a Task in the list, you also open it's detail view where you can edit all it's attributes. A Task can be blocked by another Task. You can check this by opening the Dependency view.